What Is The Growband?

The Growband is a new invention that's helping to reverse hair loss.

The Growband is an invention that helps stop and even reverse hair loss by improving microvascular circulation throughout the scalp.

In addition, the Growband also helps reduce scalp tension, which plays a role in male pattern baldness.

Scalp tension leads to increased DHT in the dermis, along with calcification and fibrosis in the scalp, which reduces blood flow to the hair follicle bulb.

Studies have shown that Growband users experience increased blood perfusion units whilst using the device, and for hours after.

Most users will experience some form of hair regrowth within 1-3 months of use.

After 6 months users can expect a sustainable reduction in scalp tightness and thereby long term improvement in hair growth.

The Growband is unlike any other hair loss treatment in that it works by fixing the underlying cause of hair loss in the first place.

What is the Growband Pro?

The Growband is a unique device that essentially pushes upwards and massages the entire scalp at the same time.

The Pro version of the Growband uses the Growbox which is a battery powered version that inflates and deflates the headset on a programmable cycle, leading to even better results than V1 of the Growband.

The Growband works in 3 major ways. 

These mechanisms of action combine synergystically to create an incredibly powerful hair growing effect on the scalp.

Let's look at each of the mechanisms individually now:

1: Massaging the Scalp

The Growband acts like a scalp massager, although with many advantages over manual scalp massages.

Firstly, by pushing upwards it causes the top of the scalp to be pinched, squeezed and pressed together.

The entire top scalp gets a very invigorating massage.

2: Reduction in Scalp Tension

Scalp tension is a big part of male pattern baldness, as you'll learn about later on in this article.

The Growband grips the perimeter of the scalp and literally raises it up (carefully and gently) resulting in a temporary reduction in scalp tension.

However, after repeated inflation and deflation cycles, the scalp tension is reduced long term, and the muscles become more relaxed and less chronically tense.

3: Pressure-Induced-Vasodillation

Pressure Induced Vasodillation or PIV is essentially a widening of the blood vessels in the scalp caused by the upward pressure of the Growband.

Although this takes place very gently, and only in the scalp layer, the result is an overall increase in blood flow throughout the dermis.

A study was conducted on Growband users to measure this blood flow increase, and we cover the results further down in this article.

How Exactly Does it Work?

Let's take a deeper look at the science behind the Growband.

To do this, we'll be covering some very interesting studies.

Feel free to skip this section if you're not interested in the science. But if you enjoy learning about exactly how it works, this section is for you.

The first study we will look at is this study on minoxidil.

We can see very clearly that minoxidil applied topically is a vasodilator, which means it widens the blood vessels and increases blood flow in the dermis.

However, the biggest issue with minoxidil is this effect lasts a very short time. Imagine applying the topical and having an increase in blood flow for 30 minutes or so.

And it also does NOTHING, to fix the underlying cause of the blood flow reduction.

This is why, as soon as people stop using minoxidil their hair immediately starts shedding and they lose all their hair gains.

So, minoxidil works by improving blood flow, but the result is only temporary and it's required to use it for life.

Next up we have a very interesting study about blood flow.

We can see from this study that men with hair loss have significantly lower blood flow in their scalp when compared to men with hair.

The hair follicle bulb requires blood flow to deliver oxygen and nutrients in order for the hair follicle to grow.

Without the blood supply, the hair follicle simply withers away

Professor Andrew Huberman talked extensively about blood flow on his podcast about hair loss recently. Huberman is a highly respected professor at Standford School of Medicine.

Watch more from Huberman in the the Tips for Clips Growband review:

More about the hair growth cycle:

We know from another study that "ischemia" which is the restriction of blood flow actually disrupts the hair growth cycle. Meaning, reduced blood flow puts the hair follicles in the resting and shedding phase of the hair growth cycle.

This groundbreaking study below by Dr. Goldman found that balding scalps had significantly lower oxygen levels that scalps with hair.

We know from countless examples that when blood flow decreases, cellular growth and repair also decreases. The hair follicle bulb itself is no different.

In the image below we have the example of an Indian man who held his arm above his head, as an act of religious devotion, and his arm consequently withered away due to the lack of blood flow.

Looking more closely at blood flow, there's another interesting dynamic that takes place. 

Studies have shown that higher oxygen leads to high conversion of testosterone to estradiol, rather than to DHT. DHT is well known as a hormone that plays a role in hair loss. So by decreasing blood flow, DHT may actually increase in the scalp, which would be worse for hair loss.

Professor Freund from the University of Arizona in the US discovered this about DHT:

"The enzymatic conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is oxygen
dependent. In low-oxygen environments, the conversion of testosterone to
dihydrotestosterone is favored; whereas in high oxygen environments, more
testosterone is converted to estradiol" Freund, B. J. et al

But what could cause this blood flow restriction in the first place?

One study looked at tension patterns across the scalp. They used 3D computer generated models to see how tension levels varied and the results were interesting.

The pattern of tension matched up very closely with the pattern in male pattern baldness known as the Hamilton-Norwood scale.

So essentially what is happening is that scalp tension could be reducing blood flow and causing chronic inflammation which further reduces blood flow.

Reduced blood flow then goes on to cause hair follicle miniaturization and hair loss.

So now the question is, if we increase blood flow, or reduce scalp tension (or both) is there any evidence that the hair regrows?

And the answer is YES!

Scientists have now conducted multiple clinical studies to confirm this idea. In one study, the researchers injected the muscles surrounding the scalp with a substance that caused the muscles to go limp.

It's the same thing that's used in cosmetic procedures to reduce wrinkles by relaxing the muscles.

By relaxing the muscles, the scalp tension was reduced and the blood flow to the top of the scalp increased.

Many patients had an excellent response to the treatment:

The result was excellent regrowth for many of the patients.

And with ZERO side effects.

In summary, the evidence is incredibly strong that by reducing scalp tension and improve blood flow can regrow hair for people with male pattern baldness.

Does Scalp Massage Improve Hair Growth?

We have a few studies to look at when it comes to scalp massage and hair growth.

In 2019 researchers looked at self-administered scalp massages. 68.9% of participants who carried out the massages reported stabalization or regrowth. The conclusion of the study was that the longer participants massaged for, the better their results were.

Some participants who massaged for longer had very impressive results with almost full recovery of the crown, whilst scalp massages were the only treatment they used.

We can see from this GIF below (used with permission from the Hairguard website) the massage effect the Growband has on the top of the scalp.

Essentially, lifting, pinching and squeezing the top of the scalp.

The benefits of scalp massages for hair growth have been discussed in major new publications such as Healthline, InStyle, Cosmopolitan and New York Post.

The video below is an in-depth review of scalp massages for hair growth:

Does it Fix the Root Cause?

One thing that stands out about the Growband is that this device works on the root cause of hair loss.

Whilst other treatments work by superficially increasing blood flow, the Growband actually fixes the root cause of the lack of blood flow in the first place.

Without fixing the root cause, any man with hair loss will continually be fighting a losing battle against further hair loss.

This doesn't mean you can't use multiple treatments, just make sure you get to the root cause of hair loss in the first place.

The Blood Flow Study on the Growband

A study was conducted on Growband users to see if blood flow increased in the scalp during and after use of the Growband.

The study found, on average a significant increase in blood perfusion during the duration of use, and continueing after use.

In addition, because the Growband works by stretching the perimeter muscles and reducing chronic tension, the Growband has a long lasting and semi-permanent effect on the scalp that helps with hair regrowth.

Increased blood flow throughout the scalp is closely tied with increased hair growth.

Growband User Results

To look at the user results from the Growband we need to see the results from customers on their website. From the Hairguard website we can see some various different before and after photos, let's take a closer look:

User Result 1:

Overall, significant improvement across the crown. If the progress continues the user can expect to see a full recovery within 6 months.

User Result 2:

Improvement in diffuse thinning across the entire top of the scalp. Crown centre also making steady improvement.

User Result 3:

User had very diffuse thinning on the top which suggests a possible hair shedding disorder and male pattern baldness. Clear improvement to thickness and coverage.

User Result 4:

Hairline was receded at the temples but showing significant improvement. Hairline has moved forward approximately 1cm as evidenced by hairline distance to freckle. Excellent regrowth along with some thickness improvement.

Overall, the before and after pictures from Growband users are impressive, and the best we've seen from a scalp massager tool so far.

What Are the Alternatives?

So, are there any alternatives to the Growband?

In terms of other treatments for hair loss, yes there are lots of alternatives.

Most people are already aware of these, since these treatments have been available and unchanged for multiple decades.

In fact, the growband is not really an alternative to these because it has such a different mechanism of action.

Multiple different treatments can be stacked to achieve better results, if their mechanisms of action work differently.

The closest alternatives to the growband are manual scalp massages, which you can do yourself or pay someone else to do. These can be great, but they do get tiring quickly. The growband is more powerful than a manual scalp massage and has the PIV effect too, as well as being hands-free.

The second closest alternative would be actual BTX injections into the scalp which would relax the muscles and have been proven in multiple clinical studies to regrow hair. However, as we know these are very expensive and only last a few months.

Thirdly are alternative electric scalp massagers. There are quite a few options on Amazon, but these are generally all quite low quality and all perform superficial massages compared to the Growband.

Product Name


Side effects


Ease of Use

Growband Pro

One off





DHT Blockers



Laser Caps



Other massagers




The Growband is a unique, yet effective way to stop and reverse hair loss for men with male pattern baldness.

Most importantly, the Growband works by fixing the underlying issue of hair loss, which is scalp tension and reduced blood supply, which essentially starves the hair follicle.

All other hair loss treatments work on a superficial level. Nothing apart from the Growband attacks the underlying cause.

This is why Growband users report improved hair growth, even after they use the Growband less frequently.

All other known treatments immediately stop working as soon as the treatment stops.

The Growband, by reducing muscular tightness around the scalp perimeter, can permanently undo scalp tension, as well as sustainably increase blood flow.

In addition, the Growband can be used in combination with other hair loss treatments like topicals and DHT blockers to get even better results.

Stack the mechanisms and see even faster, stronger hair growth.

In summary, if you have genetic hair loss, (not diffuse) then you will very likely see significant, long-term improvement from using the Growband.

Check the link below to see if the Growband is still in stock.

Due to very high demand, Hairguard the manufacturer, is often sold out.